Our People

Fortenberry PLLC is a law firm that helps LLC owners relocate LLCs from one state to another. We also offer LLC formation services and operating agreement preparation.

Meet the Team

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Jer Fortenberry


Jeramie Fortenberry is an attorney based in Austin, Texas. He has written and lectured extensively on trust law, LLC formation and domestication, and the use of deeds to transfer real estate.

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Jane Doe


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eget libero tincidunt, pulvinar libero nec, efficitur ex. Morbi eget ante ut ipsum gravida volutpat.

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John Doe


Sed et dui convallis, scelerisque tellus et, sollicitudin velit. Vestibulum dignissim, elit in semper rutrum, velit arcu fermentum augue, sit amet congue nisi leo in nisl.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eget libero tincidunt, pulvinar libero nec, efficitur ex. Morbi eget ante ut ipsum gravida volutpat.